HandsOn 3 - Creating a Rope Coastline
In order to study coastlines further, create a sample coastline using the following instructions. You will need for this activity
The activity takes place with the class in a wide hall, entrance hall, or outdoors. Select one class member to roll the die and another to flip the coin.
2. Select a direction perpendicular to the rope to be the positive
direction. The opposite direction will be the negative direction.
3. Student #3 grasps the rope approximately in the middle.
4. Flip the coin. Heads or tails determines the direction the
person in the middle will move in Step 5 below.
5. Roll the die. The person in the middle of the rope takes a
number of "baby steps'' (steps that touch heel to toe) perpendicular
to the rope. The number of steps is equal to the number
on the die: from one to six. The direction of these steps
is determined by the outcome (heads or tails) of the coin flip
performed in step 4. Student #2 lets the rope slip out to provide
the extra length as needed.
6. Now Students #4 and #5 take up a position in the middle of
each straight segment.
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7. Repeat Steps 4 through 6 for Student #4, who takes the number
of baby steps indicated on the die in a direction perpendicular
to the rope indicated by the coin flip. Do the same for Student
8. Continue this process, randomly deflecting the midpoint perpendicular
to each straight segment, until you run out of either rope or
9. Take a photograph of the resulting "coastline."