HandsOn 18 - Bacterial Growth
I. Bacterial Growth Preparation
II. Streaking and Inoculating Plates
III. Growth of Bacteria Under Starvation Conditions
IV. Staining Bacterial Colonies
III. Growth of Bacteria Under Starvation Conditions
As mentioned above, B. Subtilis, E. Coli, and E. Aerogenes are all commonly-occurring bacteria. In fact, we are surrounded by so many different bacteria in our environment that to grow a single strain requires careful attention to avoid contamination (infecting the bacteria you are growing with another strain). Always take standard laboratory precautions and wear gloves when handling the bacteria and agar plates.
2. Follow the instructions in HandsOn 5.1 to inoculate
and incubate your agar plates.
3. In addition to the single point inoculation experiments described in HandsOn
5.1, do an experiment in which two colonies compete
on a single plate. On each of two plates, inoculate at two points, separated
by 0.5 centimeter on one plate and by 1 centimeter on the other plate.
4. Measure the diameter of each bacterial colony daily and record
it on a chart in your lab book.
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How does the global dimension compare with that of a diffusion-limited
aggregate (DLA)?
How does the surface dimension compare with that expected from a random
walk? Compare the dimension obtained with that found in HandsOn 5.1.
If the dimension differs from that of a random walker model, does it behave
as you would expect with bacteria that are socially cooperative? Write a short
paragraph explaining why, or why not.
3. Plot the radius of the aggregate versus time and find the growth velocity.
Is this also a function of nutrient level?
4. Is the growth of the colony limited by diffusion of nutrients? Suppose
that a nutrient molecule moves an average distance r in a time t according
to the diffusion law: r2 = 4Dt where D, called the diffusion
constant, has the approximate value 10-6 cm2/sec.
On average how far can a nutrient molecule diffuse in one hour? One day?
How does that compare to the initial and final growth velocities you observed
for the bacterial colony?
5. How do you interpret your results for the plate you inoculated at two points
0.5 centimeter apart? Is it consistent with a model in which access to nutrients
is controlled by diffusion? What about the growth pattern on the plate inoculated
at two points 1 centimeter apart? Can you simulate this experiment using the
Aggregation program?